Thursday, April 17, 2008

Standing Fully in One's Power - Effecting Miracles

A coaching client of mine was describing a class he took over the weekend in a healing modality called ThetaHealing™. This modality, one of many variations on a theme, involves going into an alert meditative, or theta brainwave, state and intentionally rooting out subconscious beliefs responsible for stuck patterns of thought and behavior. Ah, the old prison of limiting subconscious beliefs - key word subconscious.

Like many similar healing methods, this one was developed by someone with a terminal condition to whom the knowledge was "revealed" or channeled, and subsequently used to effectively cure the condition. This particular technique was originated by Vianna Stibal who cured herself of terminal lymphatic cancer. She began sharing the technique widely in 1995.

My client experienced this healing weekend as extremely intense and profound. In the course of sharing what he learned, he said two very interesting things:

  • that a healer, IF fully in alignment, fully in his/her power, standing solidly in his or her vibration, can, with this healing method, effect a miracle healing; and
  • that true healers of any variety work at the energetic level, shifting energy and beliefs preliminary to quantum shifts in perspective and vibration.

My client seemed astounded by the possibility of effecting a 'miracle' cure. We're talking miracle here, a la Jesus Christ, of really any physical, mental, or emotional condition. But this statement resonated as “of course” for me. Having personally experienced countless sessions, attunements, trainings, and channelings, in many, many versions of energy therapy and Lightwork, the more important part of the equation to me was the alignment, not the particular healing method.

This conversation was a huge reminder to me that the only thing limiting me, or any of us, is my/our beliefs. I got a glimpse of simply, simply standing up and Believing and Allowing the grace of God to flow through me.

Many of us have been sowing our seeds, and weeding out limiting beliefs, for a very long time. All that’s left is for us to step into our power, fully.

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