Saturday, April 5, 2008

Gratitude - A Reminder

I am a huge believer in the power gratitude to exponentially raise one's vibration and therefore rapidly and radically improve quality of life. My intentional practice of gratitude varies from spells of daily journaling 3 to 5 things I'm grateful for, to grabbing a piece of paper out of the blue and getting on a roll, to occasionally reaching for my gratitude journal and reflecting more deeply upon the many gifts in my life. I'm often shocked that a year or more has gone by.

In looking at my journal today, I came upon an entry from November 2005 that resonated so strongly I decided to share it here. I offer it as a reminder to myself, as well as, hopefully, an example and inspiration to others. When you're being grateful, you can't be depressed or negative. Gratitude flips you to the positive side, and gets the energetic ball rolling in the right direction. That alone is worth the effort!

I am, above all, grateful for the love that surrounds me in the manifest form of family and friends, and - I am learning - the unmanifest form of angelic and other benevolent entities. I have moments of truly understanding - feeling - knowing - that I am never alone, that I am supported in many realms at all times. I am grateful for those moments, for that knowing, and for that endless, timeless, infinite energy of love.

I am grateful for many 'mundane' things - a roof over my head, a car that is reliable, money in my bank account (somehow!), food, clothing, stuff.

I am grateful for moments of inspiration and passion. I am learning to recognize them and blow gently on the embers - to begin to build a strong and steady fire of passion and purpose in my life.

I am grateful for the opportunity to touch people - both literally, in doing bodywork, and otherwise, in holding space for people's emotional and spiritual pain. I am grateful to offer others my own experience as perhaps a ray of hope along the path and in so doing, renewing my own hope.

I am grateful for the privilege of having done bodywork on so many people, for the vast learning - through my hands and senses - of this wondrous container and vehicle that defines our human experience. I am ever-awed by its mysteries and the infinite intelligence it offers.

I am grateful for today.
I am grateful for this moment.
I am grateful for this chance to be so intentionally grateful!


Anonymous said...

Sandy, you are an amazing writer! Love this and the other posts. Quintisential expresser of Beauty. ~Gina

Anonymous said...

Quintessential! you knew what I meant, right? Love it!